Tuesday, August 18, 2009
those words always inspired me to be somebody and try to set up my own business..
you spend like so many years in university, do you want to end up working for others??
end up climbing the corporate ladder that was build by someone?
dont you get jealous of that someone?
if he/she can do it,than there's no reason i cant do it..
i know how to boast myself to study for the mid term test..
maybe i can do blog hopping AGAIN but this time focus only on the young and successful entrepreneur or surf the net for something that can ignite myself..
30 minutes break and then back to study again..
Got mid term test this morning at 11 and i still havent finished my revision yet..
haih,i need something to motivate me..
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
During one of seminars, a woman asked a common question. She said, "How do I know if I married the right person?" I noticed that there was a large man sitting next to her so I said, "It depends. Is that your husband?" In all seriousness, she answered "How do you know?"
Let me answer this question because the chances are good that it's weighing on your mind.
Here's the answer.
EVERY relationship has a cycle. In the beginning, you fell in love with your spouse. You anticipated their call, wanted their touch, and liked their idiosyncrasies.
Falling in love with your spouse wasn't hard. In fact, it was a completely natural and spontaneous experience. You didn't have to DO anything. That's why it's called "falling" in love...
Because it's happening TO YOU.
People in love sometimes say, "I was swept of my feet." Think about the imagery of that __expression. It implies that you were just standing there; doing nothing, and then something came along and happened TO YOU.
Falling in love is easy. It's a passive and spontaneous experience. But after a few years of marriage, the euphoria of love fades. It's the natural cycle of EVERY relationship. Slowly but surely, phone calls become a bother (if they come at all), touch is not always welcome (when it happens), and your spouse's idiosyncrasies, instead of being cute, drive you nuts.
The symptoms of this stage vary with every relationship, but if you
think about your marriage! , you wi ll notice a dramatic difference between the initial stage when you were in love and a much duller or even angry subsequent stage..
At this point, you and/or your spouse might start asking, "Did I marry the right person?" And as you and your spouse reflect on the euphoria of the love you once had, you may begin to desire that experience with someone else. This is when marriages breakdown. People blame their spouse for their unhappiness and look outside their marriage for
Extramarital fulfillment comes in all shapes and sizes. Infidelity is
the most obvious. But sometimes people turn to work,a hobby, a
friendship, excessive TV, or abusive substances.
But the answer to this dilemma does NOT lie outside your marriage. It lies within it. I'm not saying that you couldn't fall in love with someone else. You could.
And TEMPORARILY you'd feel better. But you'd be in the same situation a few years later. Because (listen carefully to this):
SUSTAINING love is not a passive or spontaneous experience. It'll NEVER just happen to you. You can't "find" LASTING love. You have to "make" it day in and day out. That's why we have the __expression "the labor of love."
Because it takes time, effort, and energy . And most importantly, it takes WISDOM . You have to know WHAT TO DO to make your marriage work.
Make no mistake about it. Love is NOT a mystery. There are specific things you can do (with or without your spouse) to succeed with your marriage.
Just as there are physical laws of the universe (such as gravity), there are also laws for relationships. Just as the right diet and exercise program makes you physically stronger, certain habits in your relationship WILL make your marriage stronger. It's a direct cause and effect. If you know and apply the laws, the results are predictable...you can "make" love.
Love in marriage is indeed a "decision"... Not just a feeling.
"No one falls in love by choice, it is by CHANCE.
No one stays in love by chance, it is by WORK.
And no one falls out of love by chance, it is by choice"
Saturday, August 1, 2009
I like it, thats why i want to share it with others too :)
"love is the most stupid thing on earth, love exists to remind us of our weak condition, love is outrageous, love has no reason, has no motifs, love is blind, bitter and armful. Love is a serial killer. love, that has killed so many hearts, should be arrested and placed in a prison"
Friday, July 31, 2009
Life Secret No 1~ Love Your Kin~
the secret of life that i get from the book.
The 1st secret is to love your kin.
our prophet once said:
"Whoever believes in Allah and the Last Day should maintain good relation with his kindred"
Who are the people that can be refer as kin?
Based on Zabrina Zubir, the author of the book entitle 'life is an open secret', kin are the ones whom we called family and relatives, and the list are long,very long as it consist of grandparents, parent,brother,sister,children,grandparents' siblings,grandchildren,great great grandparents,uncles and aunties and their children and their families and the list keep growing..
See how many kins we have in this world??
We're not alone in this world!!!
Here a short story share by their author in this secret no 1, the story was called 'the story of 2 brothers'.
"david received an automobile from his brother as his birthday present. One day when david came out from his office, he saw a young boy admiring his new car. the boy asked him whether that was his car, proudly David replied the car was given by his brother as birthday present. the boy then replied,
"You were lucky, I wish i could be a brother like that".
See, instead of saying i wish i had a brother like that the boy said how he wish he can be a brother like that!!
If it were me, i will without doubt said i wish to have a brother like that.
This story makes me think,how i have been treating my kin so far.
Have i become like david's brother?Do i treat my kin nicely?When did the last time i visit them?When did the last time i called my siblings and my parents?When did the last time i had dinner together with them?
Let us think together, how we behave towards our kin.
The No1 secret of life, LOVE YOUR KIN!!!
KRU - Emilia~
kru - emilia...
dari wajahmu, yang sayu ku tahu
yang penuh dengan air mata
katakan dengan ku yang kau ragu
perhubungan kita
tidak kah kau sedari padaku kau bidadari
yang hadir hanya di dalam mimpi
tak rela ku mengulangi melepas kau pergi
melepas satunya nyawa cinta
mungkin tak selalu ku lafas cinta
tak selalu berdamping mesra yang kau hendak
meluka hatimu hingga mengalir air mata
ku sayang
ku berjanji jika kau kembali
sehingga nafas terakhir kucurah kan ku cinta
bersama suka duka
setia kepadamu emilia
bak sukar daku menerima
hakikat kau tiada
salah sangka merebut cinta kita
yang dulu terbina hancur mahligai indah
walau di dadari janganlah kau berpaling lagi
seandainya kau melambai pergi
duka ku tak tersembunyi tak rela di saksi
melutut daku merayu
emilia,ku tahu apa yang telah kau lalui
betapa pedihnya kau di hati
bukan ku berniat begitu
bukan begitu
jangan biarkan ia berakhir begini
kerna pedihnya di hati ku masih menyintai
kembalilah ke pangkuan ku emilia
mungkin tak selalu ku lafas cinta
tak selalu berdamping mesra yang kau hendak
meluka hatimu hingga mengalir air mata
ku sayang
ku berjanji jika kau kembali
sehingga nafas terakhir kucurah kan ku cinta
bersama suka duka
setia kepadamu emilia
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Tunku's words of wisdom~
"u must always remember no matter how high you climb up, you must come down the same way. Be good to those you meet on the way up. When you come down you will meet them again, unless of course you decided to jump down and break your neck"
tunku abdul rahman,
A pit stop is what you will do to take a short break, to refresh and then go back stronger and better..
This is what happening to CAGERS now..
They need a pit stop, and indeed they're now are having one..
PPM 2009 had just closed it curtain, and its not a sweet outing for CAGERS this time..
CAGERS 09 lose badly to MOZAC and SEMASYHUR and didnt managed to get pass the group level..
They were outplayed and outrun by their opponent,something that rarely been seen since 2004..
Since early this year, abg ise and sir keep telling that CAGERS 09 lack game exposure, experience and size, but what i see during OBW was a team that so fired up to beat any opponent and not afraid of their opponent size.
They were in their top form, stamina, shooting and their game play showed that they are ready to conquer and roar during PPM..
Back then i believed that this year is gonna be CAGERS year again, and the team will be able to reatain the trophy for 6 years in a row despite Abg ise and sir keep telling this year its going to be mission impossible to win the PHT.
It turns out, they were right!!
CAGERS were outplayed by their opponent in the 3rd and 4th game and lose badly and not even qualified for semi, 1st time since 2004...
How painful to see the opponents screaming and the crowd enjoying the moment CAGERS were beaten..
For them to be able to beat CAGERS is like winning the cup itself..
Its something we can be proud of as CAGERS has set a proud tradition and prestige in this tournament..
It is hurt to be on the losing side, Ive experienced that..
2002, CAGERS were beaten in the semi final of North Zone Level and not even qualified to go for the national level, 2003 CAGERS were beaten at the same stage as this year and not qualified for semi in national level..
After 5 years of winning and setting up record for biggest margin in final game, its now time for CAGERS to take their pit stop..
Even Rafael Nadal is taking his own pit stop, after winning 4 times in a row in Roland Garos, this year he was beaten and not even qualified for semi (almost the same story as CAGERS)..
Manchester United also now taking their own pit stop after managed to conquer world and once again the EPL titlt, the were beaten by Barca in the final and failed in thier attempt to retain the Champions League trophy..
Losing is one thing, but what matter the most is how you going to bounce back stronger and better..
All the champion teams has the charisma and attitude to bounce back, and that what CAGERS 2010 need to do, bounce back stronger and stornger and better!!
They have to take back their pride and bring back the cup!!
We bounce back from our defeat in Zone Level in 2002 and managed to win the Zone Level in 2003 but sadly we lost in the National Level..
But again in 2004 we bounce back stronger and won the PHT cup for the 1st time since 1993..
If we can do that, i believe CAGERS 2010 will be able to do the same, you guys are going to bounce back stronger..
I overheard Mr Liew saying, "Those teams who beat CAGERS this year with big margin, they have to pay HEAVILY next year, HEAVILY"..
Those words itself has proved that sir is fired up for next year, and CAGERS 2010 can expect the worse in their training, the 'HELL TRAINING' is back after making its last appearance in 2004!!!
Be fear all the SBP teams, be very fear of CAGERS 2010!!!!
To CAGERS 09, losing does not mean the end for you guys..
Winning the cup is not all about being a CAGERS..
The journey you've been through, all the moments and times spend together with your teammates, Mr. Liew, abg ise and kak ana, and not to forget all the old boys that keep coming back are extremely precious...
You guys should be proud of to be part of CAGERS family..
The bond and brotherhood will remain forever, and that is the biggest victory for CAGERS..
Be proud, be proud, be proud juniors..
This is just a pit stop, take it positively and bounce back stronger..
Special thanks to MR Liew, Abg Ise n Kak Ana, Cikgu Jimmy, Old boys and those who have been committed in Quest 4 Glory..
I'll try my very best to play my part in it too in the future...
Just wanna share the famous quote that has been my team, CAGERS 04 pillar of strength and what inspired us to keep on trying to win the cup,
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Monday, May 11, 2009
Monday, May 4, 2009
Our latest project~
check out this blog, http://www.mypoddy.blogspot.com/
Our latest project,we're going to post any thing that will suit
GEN x, GEN y and hopefully everyone!!
we will try to cover not only fashion,entertainment, but also on financial education,sports,health and every single things that will be helpful to all...
check check check it out!!!
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
for shur n rock~
Nature of Event:
The MoneyTree Young Entrepreneur Startup Challenge is focused on helping
future Entrepreneurs launch new ideas that could ultimately be turned into
profitable ventures. This challenge would allow young Entrepreneurs / aspiring
Entrepreneurs to not only learn skills that would sharpen their Entrepreneurial
mindsets, but to also provide them with the opportunity to experience the
practical applications of the Entrepreneurial skills they have acquired through the
MoneyTree Entrepreneur Fast Track program.
Objective of YES Challenge:
To create a platform in which youths aged 17 – 24 are given the opportunity to:
• Acquire the knowledge and skills to start and operate a business
• Have a hands on feel as to what it takes to run a business / project
• Acquire the ability to generate ideas and evaluate their commercial
• Focus on creating a profitable enterprise / venture
• Experience pitching for funds to finance their enterprise
Target Audience / Requirements and Territorial Focus:
i. Youths aged 17 – 24 from Klang Valley (including Seremban), Penang
(including Ipoh) and Johor (including Melaka)
ii. Education: Minimum Form 5
iii. Language Proficiency: Fluent in English
iv. Have attended the MoneyTree Entrepreneur 1-day Fast Track
Mechanics of Challenge:
The nature of this challenge is as close as it can get to the real world of
Technopreneurship / Entrepreneurship. Technopreneur / Entrepreneur aspirants
would be required to not only generate ideas that would attract investors, but to
also follow through to make it into a profitable business / venture.
Detailed mechanics of the YES Challenge:
i. Gather a team of 3 - 4 persons
ii. Attend the MoneyTree Entrepreneur 1-day Fast Track Program
iii. Come up with an idea for a profitable PROJECT, and submit a written
proposal for the project
iv. Proposal would then be submitted to a selected panel to determine the
viability of their ideas and whether it could eventually be carried out
profitably. Panel would also identify the strength and weaknesses of
the plan with the intention of knocking the ideas into shape
v. Projects that can be implemented and completed within 3 – 4 months
are preferred
vi. Teams would be given 15 minutes to present their project / ideas, after
which, a selected panel consisting judges and potential investors will
pose questions to determine whether or not the ideas are concrete
vii. Teams whose projects / business ideas that have been selected will be
given an opportunity to solicit funding from investors
viii. All projects which have been selected will be divided into smaller
portions / shares to enable more investors to participate at a nominal
sum, or at a sum they’re comfortable with (The Maximum amount
allowable to be solicited from investors is RM 25,000)
ix. If investors find an idea that interests them and makes sense to them,
they can decide to invest in that particular project by buying shares in
the venture
x. Each team will be assigned a mentor, who will be responsible for
ensuring that the team implements their plans according to their
milestone goals
xi. Mentors would also supervise the preparation of monthly progress
xii. The panel and mentors would play an advisory role to the teams,
focusing on implementation, strategy and profitability
xiii. Profits would then be divided according to agreed portions as
stipulated in the agreements, after subtracting any declared fees
xiv. Successful ventures will then be guided and supported to apply for
available grants to bring the venture to higher levels
Participating Parties:
MoneyTree has invited a mix of representatives from Government Agencies,
Private Sector and even Private Investors to be part of our panel of Mentors and
Advisors. We also have two Government Agencies, two Education Institutions,
two Corporations and several Independent Entrepreneurs who have agreed to be
Partners with MoneyTree on the YES Challenge.
Timeline: April 17th – Launch and running of the YES challenge in KL.
Saturday, April 4, 2009
my six sense is strong!!~
since february,my weekend always full of activities..
Im not writing much lately,due to what we call as 'peak period',which normally be between JAN-MAY in auditor's life..
This is the period which saw auditor sleep in office,stay in office late till morning for every day,and that include weekend and also public holiday..
sounds ridiculous, people might be asking is it really like that??
at first before i join audit firm,i thought people just making up the story..
but now i can proudly said,its all true as ive been there,done that and experience that..
For the last 2 months i was allocated to audit Multimedia Development Corporation (MDEC) which has couple of subsidiarries..
that is when i get a bit taste of the pressure of being real auditor..
i was asked to handle one subsidiary,which normally people with the rank of AA will handle and not VT like me..
the experience was really not a good one at first,i dont know what to do..
the company account was a mess,their filing system was sucks,documentation and everythings was not in order..
I neeed to dig out information to find out the missing figure and how they come out with the figure and why the figure does not tie with my calculation and where the hide their losses and everythings..
enough said, most of what happend during that time was PnC..
In short,i learnt hell lot during the period..
there are times during that period that i broke down,but thanks to my MMU frens that alway cheer me up and pull me back especially to masyhur,mat rock,steve and radzi..
next week,im going to audit bank islam,this time the period will be for 1 month..
let c what kind of experience it will bring to me..
tabung haji,adidas,taldem,qualitas medical group,bank negara,mdec,time dot com and now bank islam..
the list keep growing and so does the knowledge..
just now i check my fb and there's message from someone asking me few questions..
and now i know,why i wrote my previous writings about the song by hujan,all the answer is there..
about the primary pic on my facebook,the ringtone,the keychain..
that a strong prove that my six sense is still strong,as i somehow know what will happend to me in the future as it has happend like that for a lot of times..
hopefully my next writing will be about summer-love-winter-hate relationship..
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
the lyric get my attention and remind me of someone..
for the last few days,ive been thinking about her..
ive been trying so hard to forget bout her..
but last weekend when masyhur and mat rock mention about the one that always be special to ourself,it reminds me of her..
she always be the special one for me..
i dated other gurls as well,but none of them can give me the warm and the same feeling when im with her..
20082008,the date i wont forget..
but hopefully,i can slowly forget about her,and buried my feeling towards her..
god give me strength to go through period from JUNE-SEPTEMBER..
i will try not to fall even deeper for her..
even though i know,now ive fallen deep enough,deeper than i ever thought..
im still using the picture u took as my primary pic for facebook,im still using the same ringtone and message alert tone that u gave me as i promised i will used it untill we meet again..
i still bring the key chain u gave me whereever i go~
tersudut termenung jauh
mengenangkan nasib kita
kita miliki separuh
berbentuk hati cinta namanya
walau kau jauh
aku kan sentiasa menunggumu
pedihku mengimbas kembali memori
walau kau jauh
ku berjanji kan terus menunggu
walau dipisah lautan biru
ku mahu kau tahu
aku kan terus menunggu
jaga benar gambarku dalam telefon bimbitmu
jangan pernah sekali kau buang
seperti cinta ini yang terbuku
akan bersemi jua
walau kau jauh
ku sentiasa menunggumu
pedihku imbas kembali memori
walau kau jauh
ku berjanji kan terus menunggu
walau dipisah lautan biru
aku kan terus menunggumu
kitakan terus bersatu
ku kan menunggu mu
ku mahu kau tahu
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Break the rules
forgive quickly
kiss passionately, love truly
laugh constantly
And never stop smiling
no matter how strange life is
Life is not always the party we expected to be
but as long as we are here, we should smile and be
Friday, February 27, 2009
truth does hurt,but u still have to face it..
make ur decision wisely!!~
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Though ur work sgt2 menyusahkan??
u have to view lot of documents and files,and need to keep it up with ur cnior?
wat can cheer ur day when u've got lot of work to do and stress with ur boss??
wat can cheer u up when u where down??
the answer for all those..
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Apa saja untuk mu..
Tak ku hiraukan waktu..
katakan saje..
kan kulaksana..
permaisuri kau bertakhta di jiwa..
Apa saja untuk mu...
ke dasar lautan biru..
Bertaruh nyawa..
Andai kau damba mutiara..
Di hari lahirmu..
Kita menuju Gemilang asmara..
tiada cinta setanding kita..
Kurela sehingga ke akhirnya..
tunai segala mimpi mu..
owh ratuku..
Untuk mu kasih..
Kucuba meraih..
Owh bintang di angkasa..
walau tak terdaya kan kuikhtiar..
Oh di kau laa segalanya..
untuk mu kasih..
Gembira bersedih..
selagi ku bernyawa..
Untuk mu kasih..
ku korban apa saja...
apa saja untukmu..
Kan ku ubah caraku..
Jikalau itu yg kau mahu..
apa saja demi kebahgiaanmu..
bukan ku pinta,yg luar biasa..
cuma secebis janji setia..
inilah lagu cinta kita..
hanya terbaek untukmu..
Untuk mu kasih..
Kucuba meraih..
Owh bintang di angkasa..
walau tak terdaya kan kuikhtiar..
Oh di kau laa segalanya..
untuk mu kasih..
Gembira bersedih..
selagi ku bernyawa..
Untuk mu kasih..
ku korban apa saja...
Sunday, February 15, 2009
14th February,a date where most couple had been waiting for..
Its the date where they will plan to do something to make their other half happy..
Valentine's day is the day for all to be happy (those who celebrate it only laaa)
But,been single is not an excuse for you not to celeb V-Day (this one for u charmain)..
So,happy V-day to all!!! (singles and couples)
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Last weekend went back to beloved Muadzam for SIFE OPEN DAY..
The whole day was fun, with the activities been organize and also the amazing race..
Kudus to Nad all her team members for organizing such event..
During the night, they organize a bbq for all sife members..
The turnout was good,I can say more than 50 members came in..
Owh, the MPPs were there also..
Thanks to iZhar, Fathin and Sob for coming to the bbq..
Fathin was good and frenly..
Pity her coz the guys there bully her that night..
She was asked to drink cuka!!
Damn crazy la this people..ahahahaha…
Actually I was suppose to do the same thing, but I managed to ran away and hide..
Very smart ek??NOT!!!!
I dot know that they had another plan for me..
Very Evil Plan!!
I saw earlier someone bringing a cake, flour and eggs..
At first I thought that all that to celeb Zaf besday, which suppose to be yesterday (HAPPY BESDAY ZAF)…
Ocay, now is the best part..
I thought the party was over when some of the members walk back..
I came out from my hiding and chat around..
Then Bha all of suddent ask me “dd x panas ke pakai cardigan malam2 nih??bukak laa,biar sejuk sket”..
I thought she just wanna make fun of me for wearing that, so I ignored her..
How stupid of me,I should sense the sign she was given to me…
Just as I was laughing at Bha, this one evil lady@Nad came from behind and smack my back with something..
I thought she was joking,then she smack me for the second time,and this time I knew already about their plan..
She’s holding an egg and she broke it on my back with my new cardigan still on!!!
Within split second, I don’t know who threw it but the flour coming from all angle possible and hit me!!
Then when I was wiping my eyes, his one crazy fella came and smack and broke and egg on my head!! Damn,pls not the head..
I some photos of me after being hit by the flour and eggs..
Actually they want to make surprise besday celebration for me and zaf, but it seems like im the only one cover with flour and eggs, zaf tak kena pon!!
But still,thanks guys for the surprise besday party.
I really appreciated it..
U guys are the best..
After one whole day having un with the activities,indeed the besday celebration was the best ending..
To Nad,Bha,Redza,Kherol@Kamal@Budak Gay,Rini@Dak Sekolah,Nuar,Farah Diana, and those who were there ‘pranking’ me and celebrating my ebsday,thanks a lot guys!!!
U guys are the best!!
Owh, I still want to mention..
My new cardigan,only bought it last 3 days..
Because of the combination of flour and eggs,it has washed away the colour and it become bertompok already!!
Thanks guys,now I cant used my cardigan anymore..
But its okay, I already bought new one yesterday,the same cardigan..
Costly besday celebration.. :P
Ahahaha,I know I shouldn’t complain about the cardigan,coz u guys just wanna celeb my besday and make me happy..
So, I don’t mind losing my new cardigan..
Thanks GUYS!!!
p/s : Owh, something also happened in Muadzam during that weekend..
Something that ive been waiting so long to happened..
Lucky I went back to Muadzam that weekend..
those involved~
besday gurl n besday boy~
faris n me~
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
1st Outstaion in JB~
In the middle of January (i cant remember the exact date :P) I was send to do audit in JB..
My task was to audit this one group of company called Qualitas..
A brief about this group..
This group consist of 38 clinics,policlinics and hospitals..
So basically,im going into the mediccal field for this job allocation..
Doing this job allowed me to know in deep about how to manage a clinic@hospital@policlinic..
I also know about the doctors daily work..
Back to the main topics,we stayed in New York Hotel in Jb..
One thing that shocked us during the 1st night there was the car wash that open for 24 hours!!!
and there are a lot of car wash along the road itselves and all seems attracting customers equally..
What make this car wash different is not only they open for 24 hours, but the concept..
Next to each car wash there will be a restaurant,so its more convenient fort their customers..
They can have their car wash while they dine and relax (poyo jer bunyik)
The 1st outstation aws a good memory,together with effil and noah haris with spend the whole week depending too much on GPS (as it was the 1st time for all of us in JB)
I dont feel lkike writing a lot about this..
But to sum up the 1st outstation,it was great mainly because i went there with effil and noah haris..
owh,effil was from SAS and noah Haris was from SDAR..
And since the 3 of us came from the same background,i guest maybe thats the reason why we click together so well..
we do share alot of good memories with GPS in Jb (dont trust GPS :P)
I upload some pictures of us in JB..
Owh,there are pictures of us while we're doing our work..
So,its like a sneak preview into auditor's life..
U have to bare living with files!!
We even bring some files back to our hotel room, and thats mean yeah we work till late at night!!
How about that??Fun being auditor??
U judge it :)
Till then~
Thursday, January 8, 2009
I know, the title might sound a bit of an insult to auditors@accounting students out there who planned to pursue their career in auditing, or joining any audit firm and finally become an ‘AUDITOR’ but seriously, I don’t mean to insult those mention above, it just im writing this base on my experience, and what I’ve seen, listen and heard stories from others
Basically now im doing my internship in one of the big 4 audit firm, so ive been mixed up a lot with auditors and unlucky for me, now is what all the auditors called peak period. Peak period is when all the companies need to close their account and is where the auditors need to audit their financial statements and produce audit report, and that what normally what the auditor will do, AUDIT. But what lies behind the words is the one that scared people from becoming auditor or the main reason why I said auditor will never be a perfect boyfriend.
The truth reveal, what lies behind the word of auditor that scared people is their WORKLOAD. Bullshit if people said that auditor’s salary if low, coz what I know senior auditor can afford to drive brand new mini cooper, and that’s only senior not even at the rank of assistant manager or manager or senior manager or head of department or exec director or partner!! See, can u imagined if u become a partner, what type of car can u drive?? Auditor is indeed super damn rich. Back to our main topic, why auditor cant be a perfect boyfriend, the main reason is because like I said just now their workload. Imagine like this, a whole year transaction for a company, an auditor need to audit all of it within a certain short period of time. In order to audit all those records, transaction and financial statements, auditors need to go through more than 100 files!! Can u imagined, to complete TOC (test of control) which auditors need to select samples, the auditors need to go through all files available in the filing room!! I’ve been to ADIDAS and they had like a mountain of files, maybe because they also had office in other countries as well. But ADIDAS can be consider as medium size company, can u imagined if u need to audit big size company?? Normally for audit planning, auditor need to complete it within 2 weeks, and after finish with the first company, there goes another one and the list keep on getting longer and longer. No rest for auditors. What make matter even worse if u get a client@company that was so fu**ing not organized their transaction, filing and data all mess up. One word, DIE lol for the auditor. To add more suffering to auditors is when the client don’t give full co-operation, u request for some documents then after a week will u be able to get what u have requested, and at the same time u only left with less than a week before due date. The manager also can be a headache for auditors, the manager can simply shorten the audit period or make it earlier for the due date. See, auditors have to suffer to complete their task.
Because of the overload task and workloads, the auditors normally have to spend most of their times patiently and with passion (really??) completing their task. So, when people said auditors have no life, its true. Some of my officemate also stayed late in the office, even sleep in the office during night! Owh, don’t forget that even during weekend and public holiday auditors also have to work. Crazy is it??Thats the life of an auditor and the reason why auditor can’t be a perfect boyfriend. There u goes, no life for auditors only their never ending workload.
True story, one of my cliques here has broke up three times within 2 years as auditor till he finally give up on having a relationship as long as he still an auditor. Reason being given by his ex-s, he rarely spend time with them. Even weekend also he had to go to office, owh on public holiday as well. The girl keep complaint she feel like she dot even have a bf as her bf can not spend time with her, a single night for dinner also seems impossible for an auditor during the peak period. But im not saying that all auditors will stay single till they died. There are still auditors out there who happily get married or having a healthy relationship with their love one. And im currently trying to figure out the best type of soul mate for auditors. Perhaps maybe in some other time I’ll be able to write about the criteria that will best suit for auditor’s life partner.
And there you goes,the main reason why auditors will never be a perfect boyfriend. To all the girls out there, if u think that u wont take much time or dont need so much attention from ur other half, then auditor will without doubt be the best partner for u. But i doubt if ever those type of girls still exist. Till then, to all my fellow accounting students and auditors, try to get a life!!~ :P
Sunday, January 4, 2009
2008 is now history,lets sum up what i had done for the last few weeks back in 2008..
ive done 2 stock takes now,one in TH Computer and another one in Taldem Holdings..
talk about Taldem,basically its a company which produce varieties of woods..so u can imagined what kind of stocks that i need to count..
well,first time experience for me to be in a warehouse full of timbers..
i even have to climb to check whether the amount they recorded is actually the same with the one written on the stack..
Besides doing stock take,ive been to 2 companies,ADIDAS and TIME DOT COM..
i like the working environment in ADIDAS where all the staff are free to where whatever they like to come to office.
basically,most of them will wear ADIDAS brand of clothes,which i found out some of the shoes and jacket that they are wearing cant be find in ADIDAS outlet..
yeah,its rare item,of course since it was sample only..
the benefits being ADIDAS staff is that you can buy the samples,which is rare and not available in ADIDAS outlet..
plus you can they buy them in very cheap price!!!
a pair of ADIDAS shoes will cause minimum RM200 in their outlet,but do you know how much is the cost exactly??
hell,you'll be damn shocked if you found out how super duper cheap their cost is!!!
talking about TIME DOT COM,i somehow regret why did i offered myself to senior to help him with that company..
for the whole week,i went back from work at 10pm!!
tiring,but gain lot of new knowledge..
but still,TIME DOT COM is not the company you would like to work,or maybe just me..
the environment is totally different compare to ADIDAS and KPMG..
the reason being,there are all Malays working there (no harm to Malays)..
but one thing i found out,if the office has majority of Chinese,then u'll learnt alot more..
Plus,you get to improve your english as you have to speak in english to communicate with them..
so my advise,work in an office that have mix races.. :)
enough talking bout wotk for now..
let see,what else have i been doing ..
yeah,i now can play pool!!thanks to my sifu masyhur and mat rock..
owh,not to forget steve (u lost to me twice,loser steve AHAHAHAHAH)
two consecutive nights ive been in ASIAN CLUB from 9p.m. till 4a.m. just to play pool..
crazy aite???yeah,dats what we like to do right stevie??hehehe...
here are some of the pictures of us at AC...


~me and rock,MU 4LIFE!!!~
yeah,thats it about AC and crazy two days spend just for pool and owh not to forget damn good food at AC...
up next is our crazy night out at genting!!yeeahhhhaaa...
this crazy night out is the follow up after Ac..
yeah,i did mention that we played pool untill 4 a.m...
guess wat??after that we went to genting just for nothing!!
the weather there was super windy and cold,the crazy steve even took of his clothes just to show that his 'kebal' from that 'kesejukan d genting'..
he even walked half naked in front og genting police station!!
crazy stevie..ahahaha...
a lot was done at genting,but mostly its all about crazyness..hehehe..
here are some pictures of us in genting...

~me and stevie~


and thats how i end my 2008..thanks to rock the party planner,steve the crazy chinese guy,shur the clon of 'dan',they had made my 2008 as crazy as possible..
owh,when talking about 2008,a date i will always remember for the rest of my life..
20082008,then night to remember,the date to remember,the day to remember,and the one i'll cherish for life..~