Monday, October 27, 2008


since i've been away for few days so the enthusiasm to blog has increased..due to time constraint, i cant write much..but still im posting an artilce at my former blog..enjoy reading... :)
"hello.. may know may not.
i may know me.i may not.
whoever you are, i want you to know that i love you.
i love you for the person you were, i love you for the person you are, and i love you for the person you are going to be, as well as the person you want to be but cannot. i love all of you.
because you’re a part of my life(i mean it).
so maybe it took me a while, but i finally figured out how everything and everyone in your life makes it what it is.
people you encounter, joys you find,problems you face… all these things make you the person you are. the thing about realisations like this is, once you start thinking about how big life is, and how precious…
you also realise how short a time you have to enjoy all of it.
how long is forever? do we feel eternity? can we?
there may be no tomorrow.
so whether or not i know you whether or not you know me i love you.
if i’ve pleased you, i’m grateful.
if i’ve hurt you, i’m sorry.
but whatever it is thank you for being a part of my life and probably…the biggest part of me.
sincerely, me."
wau,after reading this article again and again i think it is meaningful..herm,perhaps i can dedicate this to someone :) ..times up for my study break...back to my study table..huhuhu...

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